University of Florida, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

EEL 6935 -- Special Topics in Multimedia Communications and Networking

Class Project Guidelines

General Objectives:

The project is intended to provide the students with an opportunity to take the initiative and develop independent research capability and creativity.  In the project, students are expected to identify problems of their own interest, tackle the problems from their own perspective, gain hand-on experience, and hopefully, have the fun of making their own discoveries.   The project will obviously require a good deal of time and energy, imagination and hard work.

Project Format:

The class project will be done in a group of at most two students, requiring about 30 hours per person over the entire semester.  A project includes the following phases: choosing a project topic, writing a project proposal, conducting the project, presenting the project in class, and writing a final project report.

A project usually consists of reading papers on a chosen topic, comparing performances of different approaches, and perhaps proposing your own algorithms/improvements, implementing one or two of them.  Alternatively, it can be a thorough survey of system development and  commercial deployment.

Instructions for Preparing Your Project proposal

Instructions for Preparing and Submitting Your Project Reports

Instructions for Preparing Your Project Presentation

Hints for Coming Up with a Topic

Please feel free to propose any idea you want for your project. To help you start thinking, here are some of the projects available on the web:

There are two basic approaches you can use for your project.

Here are some suggested project topics.