Main program is rawProgramJan24.m. In order to get the program to run you will need to change the variable name rawPath to where the raw Files are stored. If you want to change the file number, you change it on the variable called startFrame and endFrame. Right now I only wrote the code to look at between two image, but future work will entail for the user to modify the code. But if you run the code and MATLAB says that it runs out of memory then just run the code in sections. Once the code is able to fully execute, then the first output image will be the registered image and the other image will be the registered image overlaid the original image. Also the program will output the RMSE, MSE,and PSNR to allow the user to see the performance of the algorithm. If you want to see the figures for each step then you will find in the code that there are certainly lines that have %%,so remove the %% in order to see the figures. But if you do this you will most definitely need to run the code in section so MATLAB does not run out of memory.